Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The time is now Jesse!!

Noted Democrat Verdie Gilbertson is not happy with the 2008 choices for Minnesota senate candidates and is leaning strongly for a US senate run by former Governor Jesse Ventura. You will notice in this 2001 photo that Gilbertson was distancing himself from the governor despite Ventura's plea to join him. Notice in the photo that Ventura is actively seeking his attention while Verdie chooses to ignore him. Politics change with the times at hand and now Gilbertson thinks it may be Jesse time in the US senate. We can not stand another term with "Bush's waterboy " Norm Coleman and Franken is too much of a joke. Ask Verdie and he will say "Run Jesse Run". Posted by Picasa

Monday, June 30, 2008

Garrison Keillor comments about Jesse

Here in Minnesota we are contemplating the fact that Jesse Ventura scores 24 percent in the polls for a Senate race in Minnesota he hasn't even entered. A phenomenal phenomenon. Al Franken has won the Democratic endorsement to run against the Bush water boy Norman Coleman and when Minnesotans are offered our Famous Former Gov as a third candidate, one-fourth of them say, Yes, why not? People have been making fun of Jesse for years, me included - how could you not? The man is an entertainment. But he still commands respect and if you're curious to know why, take a look at a clip on YouTube of Jesse telling Larry King what he thinks of Bush and Cheney and the war in Iraq.