Monday, June 30, 2008

Garrison Keillor comments about Jesse

Here in Minnesota we are contemplating the fact that Jesse Ventura scores 24 percent in the polls for a Senate race in Minnesota he hasn't even entered. A phenomenal phenomenon. Al Franken has won the Democratic endorsement to run against the Bush water boy Norman Coleman and when Minnesotans are offered our Famous Former Gov as a third candidate, one-fourth of them say, Yes, why not? People have been making fun of Jesse for years, me included - how could you not? The man is an entertainment. But he still commands respect and if you're curious to know why, take a look at a clip on YouTube of Jesse telling Larry King what he thinks of Bush and Cheney and the war in Iraq.

1 comment:

mike said...

Michael Bloomberg is coming to town July 25th to do three fundraisers for "The Independence Party". Jesse's campaign is already in action.